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Masja Shop online

April 2022


Masja Shop online, a company dedicated to the sale of dresses for young women.


Ekaterina Volkova, director and screenwriter, passionate about photography, painting and art. https://ciakin.insolitafilm.com/ekaterinavolkova

The challenge

Increase the visibility of Masja. Look for a communication that is more like the nature of the brand. Achieve the goal by aiming at lightness but above all at the quality of what is transmitted.


Express the true identity of Masja: freshness, youth, simplicity, play, color, family / home.




Masja is an organization that has oriented its sales exclusively online. The young brand starts in 2020 only with an Instagram profile. From the beginning, initiative and a sense of duty pushed Manuela to get busy and learn a little all by herself. Certainly with the help of his faithful ally and companion, as well as daughter, Asia.

From the creation of the website to the delivery of the garments, from the management of the Instagram page to the entire promotional part, which initially took place by word of mouth, outlining its target mainly in the area of ​​Rome, Italy.

When Manuela joined the CIAK-in community in 2021, the exchange with the artists enlightened her on various aspects of her business that could be improved. It was important to make her grasp the importance of not improvising and, instead, of relying on professionals who are experts in graphics, photography, writing, to convey beauty and care more about communication.

It was possible to imagine of ​​reaching a national audience, speaking to young women and inspiring them. Doing business is not just about selling!

Grazie ai consigli creativi dei nostri artisti, e alle proposte originali e sostenibili ricevute, Manuela ha cambiato la sua visione personale anche sul proprio business. È riuscita a considerare e immaginare idee e progetti che prima considerava irraggiungibili. Alcuni di questi sono stati messi in cantiere per il prossimo anno. Le auguriamo molti di più…

The simple and intimate photographic project we created was also a milestone for Masja. The artist Ekaterina was good because she was able to identify the aspect of the brand’s personality to highlight, thus centering the importance of the entire creative operation. On the day of the photo shoot, both entrepreneurs were also involved as models. It was fun to have them have a typical day in the spotlight and see the joy and satisfaction in their eyes.


Masja is an organization that has oriented its sales exclusively online. The young brand starts in 2020 only with an Instagram profile. From the beginning, initiative and a sense of duty pushed Manuela to get busy and learn a little all by herself. Certainly with the help of his faithful ally and companion, as well as daughter, Asia.

From the creation of the website to the delivery of the garments, from the management of the Instagram page to the entire promotional part, which initially took place by word of mouth, outlining its target mainly in the area of ​​Rome, Italy.

When Manuela joined the CIAK-in community in 2021, the exchange with the artists enlightened her on various aspects of her business that could be improved. It was important to make her grasp the importance of not improvising and, instead, of relying on professionals who are experts in graphics, photography, writing, to convey beauty and care more about communication.

It was possible to imagine of ​​reaching a national audience, speaking to young women and inspiring them. Doing business is not just about selling!

Grazie ai consigli creativi dei nostri artisti, e alle proposte originali e sostenibili ricevute, Manuela ha cambiato la sua visione personale anche sul proprio business. È riuscita a considerare e immaginare idee e progetti che prima considerava irraggiungibili. Alcuni di questi sono stati messi in cantiere per il prossimo anno. Le auguriamo molti di più…

The simple and intimate photographic project we created was also a milestone for Masja. The artist Ekaterina was good because she was able to identify the aspect of the brand’s personality to highlight, thus centering the importance of the entire creative operation. On the day of the photo shoot, both entrepreneurs were also involved as models. It was fun to have them have a typical day in the spotlight and see the joy and satisfaction in their eyes.

Your business can become art!

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